Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Biggest Loser (The Quest to Find Abs)

35 Miles Later

I'm officially two weeks into my quest to find my abs again, I miss them. Having not seen them in about 10 years, I hope they are still there. I'm still unsure how they disappeared because I still am a horrible cook! I'll have to assume it's been 10 years of my strenuous desk job and my couch movie watching habits.

Now I did attempt to do this last year about this time, and the fact I'm writing about doing it again, proves I failed. This time around though, there is much more motivation. In addition to the motivation, it's more of a complete system, diet and exercise. By the way, don't label shop in the grocery store on Sundays, it's busy! So, for the first time ever, groceries were bought paying strict attention to the labels in an attempt to keep calories down.

The exercise system has also changed. Last year was treadmill every other day for three days a week. This time, it's treadmill twice a day at least three days a week, weight training on the other days, plus aerobic videos to keep the daily exercise at about an hour a day.

Monday marked the second full week of this new torture. I'm down about five pounds, still have a long way to go to see those abs again, but I'm already up to three miles a day on the treadmill (it was a struggle to even get to one the first day). That is exciting by itself. So, next time you see me, hopefully there will be less of me.

My goal is to be in great shape for my Cozumel trip, which is just about 5 months away.

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